Living Hope
"Live a life of love, just as Christ loved us"
Ephesians 5:2
Living Hope is St Mary's response to Jesus' call to love our local and global neighbour. God has given us all different passions and interests, and so many different projects flow out from our desire to put our love into action.
We love our local community and want to provide a space for us to connect with each other. Connect runs every Monday 3.15-5.30pm. It will provide a warm and welcome space with tea, coffee, warm snacks, board games, lots of lego, crafts for children, and the ever popular table tennis. As part of Connect we have a 'Stitches and Stories' group, bring a project or come to learn. Everyone is welcome at Connect and we look forward to seeing people there.
Saved! is our food waste project in partnership with local supermarkets. Since its beginning, we have saved 1000s of grocery trays of food from landfill. We collect surplus food, multiple times a week from local supermarkets. We love it when food can go to those for whom it really blesses, but the bottom line is we don't want it to be wasted! We have a constant flow of surplus food coming and the produce doesn't last long, so do help us by taking what you can use. Saved! food is available during Cafe Hope opening hours. You are welcome to come in during that time to see what is available. We have the greatest variety of food on Fridays when we have a queue for our 9.15am opening.
The COOK Project is our partnership with our local COOK shop who provide us with lovely frozen ready meals each week to give to local people. We are so grateful for them! We provide meals for the elderly, people who are struggling with illness, new parents or those struggling financially. If you know anyone who would benefit from COOK meals please get in touch.
Our English Classes in partnership with Blackbird English are now well established. They are for those from any nation who wish to learn English as a second language. Please contact Sarah at for more information. Sarah also runs English Conversation Classes on Mondays at 12 noon in the Church.
Our monthly Hope Supper takes place on the 2nd Thursday of the month. This is a time of gathering for all ages around a two course meal. We spend time with friends and make new ones. All from the church and community are welcome. Please sign up by calling the office or on the sign up sheet on the Welcome desk.
Every Friday during term time we have a Coffee Morning for those in retirement. It is a time of making friends, fun and laughter over a cuppa and a piece of cake. We have a simple activity and a short faith thought each week. Come along any time and we'd love to welcome you.
Living Hope frequently supports good causes in various ways. Recently we did a collection for CHESS homeless charity, supplied 'recipe bags' for Foodbank recipients at Christmas, and have done various fundraising events for Tearfund.
We believe that prayer changes situations and helps us to understand the heart of God. Join us in praying for Living Hope projects and the persecuted church. Jesus offers us life transforming hope and so we love to share the good news of Jesus through our projects.
For more information, or to get involved, please contact Caroline Macdonald or call 020 8508 3643.
Caroline Macdonald, 17/05/2021